CHRISTMAS 2016 & back in Stockholm
Hejsan! Like I promised, this post will be written in English. I'm already extremely sorry for all my mistakes, I slept about three hours last night and I'm pretty tired haha... Anyway, I finally decided to write about my Christmas break (and something else), since I haven't written anything for about two weeks!
I arrived to Finland on 22nd of December. My parents were on the same boat so it was safer and also nicer for me to travel by boat :D
I had pretty bad luck just before the break, because I got sick. But I survived, I danced all the school performances (I got sick on the night after the last one, thank God) and I didn't have to skip any Nutcracker-performances either!
In Finland I had the best time ever, again. I spent very much time just with my family, chilling, eating, celebrating Christmas and watching soooo many movies. I got amazing presents, for example: headphones, Bruno Mars' new CD, pyjamas, shower gels... and I'm really thankful for them!
Of course I also spent time with my best friend Cecilia<3 And I met some of my other friends also! Even though I had only six (almost) days to spend in Finland, it was better than nothing, and at least I got to spend the Christmas with my family.
Today I had my first rehearsals after Christmas, and I really felt it in my body... Of course I had stretched and stuff but I really wanted (and needed) to relax, and after all I think it was a good idea to really "do nothing" because we only got one week (almost) to rest. Well, after the New Year's Day's performance we're also gonna have three days off, but then it's not Christmas anymore and we can't really rest properly. So, I think we deserved this little break.
Obviously, I'm back in Stockholm now, and I'm suuuuper happy to have my little sister Hilda here with me! She's gonna stay until the 2nd of January, so I don't have to spend the New Year's Eve alone! We're not getting any food at the dorm, so we have to cook by ourselves. Haha, not my strength... At least today we made some delicious chicken-mozzarella-salad, so I think we'll be fine:D
Kungsträdgårdens isbana var
jätte otrolig!
Now I'm finally gonna sleep! Last night was horrible, the boat was going up and down all the time because there was some kind of storm going on, and I (and maybe Hilda..) was scared to death!
So happy I can sleep peacefully in my own bed tonight...
Sleep tight, see you soon!