sunnuntai 9. lokakuuta 2016


Okay, here we go. First of all: hello everybody (the old and the new ones) and welcome to my blog! I've got some suggestions that I should write in Swedish (hahaha maybe not), but now I decided to write in English! Currently, I'm thinking to write only this post in English because I really enjoy writing in Finnish and as you'll probably see my English is not that great, but I also thought that it would be really nice that my friends and others who don't understand Finnish had still a possibility to get to know more about my (ballet)life here in Sweden. So, let's see.

At the moment, I'm just sitting at the window sill and listening to Christmas music with my room mate Silja (hey gurlll if you're reading this). To be honest, the weather is awful. It's raining and the sky is grey, but at least I don't have to stress about spending whole day outside doing something really active stuff (tired?). Yesterday we finished about 4 pm, and later at the evening we had a movie night with a lot of yummies (chocolate, cinnamon buns, melon...)<3 

This week has gone super fast, as well as all the weeks here. 
On Monday it was the World Ballet Day! After having a ballet class we got to watch live stream at the school's stage. 
On Friday we had "dansdag", so we didn't have any theory at all. That was PERFECT. Thank God we have also on Saturdays only dance.

Anyway, ballet classes (as well as contemporary, pas de deux etc.) have been great and I just love it how my teacher pushes us to work full out everyday. 
I'm also very excited (and nervous) about next week's Falun audition, and it's only 8 days left until we travel to Gothenburg!

Today I've been just swimming with Kristin, Julianne and Laura (and the boys) in Skärholmen's swimming hall. I also have that Swedish book (400 pages...) to read, but we have a lot of time to finish it, so now we're planning to watch a movie, again. But hey, it's Sunday and we DO deserve a day off once a week. 

Okay, this was the first English post in my blog, I really hope you liked it (let me know your thoughts in comments, snapchat etc.)!

P.S. Sorry about misspellings...

Thanks for reading, see you soon,



2 kommenttia:

  1. Moi! Miten sait tehtyä päätöksen balettikoulujen välillä? Oliko selvä päätös vai aiheuttiko päänsärkyä?

  2. Hei mä oon miettinyt samaa lukiessani sun instasta asiasta! Ihan huippua sua tuntemattakin et oot päässyt tuonne, näin sut kesällä IBC Helsingissä ja olit upee!! :) Onko teillä tunnit yleensä englanniksi vai ruotsiksi siellä ja tiedätkö onko siellä sun lisäks tällä hetkellä yhtään suomalaista?
