tiistai 20. kesäkuuta 2017


Wow. A big wow. This year has gone by way too fast. There has been so much stuff going on that I haven't focused on my blog basically at all. But now, when I'm home in Finland, and this year has come to its end, I wanted to share something with you guys. And I thought that it would be the best to write it in English. 

First of all, when I started at the Royal Swedish Ballet School about ten months ago and moved to Stockholm as a 15-year-old, I was very nervous. Hahaha. I was a bit (sometimes very) homesick during the first weeks and I didn't really expect that I could make so good friends with anyone. Or you know, I wasn't prepared for that. But well, here we are. I've met so amazing people and got so great friends. It feels so unreal that some of them won't be there anymore next year and I'll be starting the new school year without them...


Even though this post is mostly about this school year, I still need to mention that also all those days in Finland that I spent with my family and friends were AMAZING. And without the support of my family and friends (especially my best friend Cecilia) I wouldn't be at this point. I'm just so grateful to have so many caring and awesome people in my life.

If I started to list the best moments of this year, there would be no end. I don't mean that there have been only great and positive things happening in my life, no. Sometimes it has been _really_ hard. Millions of rehearsals with an injured calf, a lot of stress, THREE antibiotics against angina and so on... I've just tried to think positive and live one day at time. Sometimes even one rehearsal at time:D I'm also very thankful for all my teachers who have supported and taken care of me. But even tho there have been some tough times, now I know that no matter how hard it will be, I'm ready to give my all. This really is what I wanna do.




Stockholm Konserthuset

Music video filming for Adrijana, 
with my girl Julianne!


For me this year has been the first step into the big ballet world. This is only beginning. Next year I'll be working even harder, and also smarter. Now when my calf is a bit injured I'm taking a really good care of it and really taking it easy before the summer intensives. Since the last weeks were very hard, a little rest is well deserved and needed!


It feels so weird that it really is summer holiday now! By the way, this summer I'll be travelling to Paris and Dresden for summer intensives and I'm so freaking excited... Of course I'm excited for the summer in Finland too; being with my family and friends and so on!



Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
 Aaaand, I'm very sorry for misspelling... Have an awesome summer, I'll see you soon!



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